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Microsoft Word-Dokument [162.4 KB]
Uno de los factores indispensables para tener una adecuada protección de las fuentes de abastecimiento es contar con tecnologías que provean un tratamiento efectivo y adecuado del agua residual. Para generalizar esta práctica es necesario contar con los recursos económicos y humanos necesarios lo que, para la realidad de nuestro pais, se traduce en implantar sistemas baratos y poco mecanizados. En este contexto, las lagunas de estabilización, por su bajo costo y escasa necesidad de mantenimiento, son una opción muy popular de tratamiento. Debido a ello gran número de investigadores e ingenieros se han abocado a su estudio con diversas finalidades.
PDF-Dokument [4.6 MB]
Demand satisfaction as a framework for understanding intermittent water supply systems
Nearly one billion people worldwide receive water through piped networks that are not continually pressurized and operate intermittently. The prevalence and persistence of these Intermittent Water Supplies (IWS) is surprising as this mode of operation induces water contamination and customer equity issues. Shortages of source water, customers' water demand, and leaking pipes are frequently cited as necessitating IWS. We propose a framework for understanding the persistence and operation of IWS. The supply system is represented by an average customer and a spatially averaged leakage rate. With this macroscopic hydraulic model, we relate customer demand satisfaction, source water availability, customer demand, and leakage. While this approach ignores the complexities of network topology, we
PDF-Dokument [1.9 MB]
Integrated Water Resources Management and Policy Integration: Lessons from 169 Years of Flood Policies in Switzerland
Abstract: In times of increasing pressures on water resources, the integrated management of the resource is a central policy objective. While there exists encompassing research about the concept of integrated water resources management (IWRM), much remains to be studied regarding the integration of water-related policies. Water resources management profits when policy actors coordinate their demands and actions across policy sectors, territorial entities, and decision-making levels within a water basin. However, actors are bound by the policy framework, which organizes water resources management in defined sectors and, over time, develop into independent and specialized policy pillars. A growing number of policies increases the need to integrate those policies over time following the insti
PDF-Dokument [1.3 MB]
10 Steps Cities Can Take for More and Better Infrastructure (NRDC Research)
In his ​article for ​Natural ​Resources ​Defense Council ​(NRDC), ​Douglass Sims presents ​a cross-​disciplinary ​study designed ​with an ​aim to ​explore ​opportunities ​which ​could ​generate better ​infrastructure ​investments to ​secure ​resilient ​communities in ​the 21st ​century. ​
PDF-Dokument [429.8 KB]
Lithium Brine Extraction Technologies & Approaches

Brines from salars and salt lakes, as well as spodumene ores, are the primary source of lithium, while geothermal brines represent secondary sources.
Produced water from oil & gas operations is an untapped source of lithium that may be more important in the future.
Chemical precipitation, adsorption with inorganic ion exchange sorbents, solvent extraction and concentration with membrane technologies are the primary means of lithium recovery from brines.
Each lithium extraction and recovery process has unique advantages and challenges that need to be considered when determining the best fit for any project.
New advances in water treatment offer exciting improvements on the economics of using membrane technologies for lithium recovery.
PDF-Dokument [317.6 KB]
Politicisation of Water Management
Ghana is ​currently under ​unimaginable ​political ​quagmire. The ​government ​seems not to ​know its ​direction to ​the extent that ​members of the ​ruling party ​can do anything ​under the guise ​that they are ​helping the ​government. ​
V2-Paper on Ghana's Rural Water Reforms[...]
Microsoft Word-Dokument [206.9 KB]
Congressional Hearing on Water Infrastructure Investment: NACWAProposes Solutions that Would Protect Public Health and Create Jobs
Success Stories of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Highlighted
PDF-Dokument [58.8 KB]
Proactive Tennessee WWTP Maintains Compliance with Influent Flow Predictor (Case Study)
This ​excellent case ​study shows how ​preparedness ​paid off for ​wastewater ​plant officials ​in this ​municipal plant.​

Centered in a ​rapidly ​urbanizing ​watershed, the ​award-winning ​Beaver Creek ​municipal ​wastewater ​plant in ​northeastern ​Tennessee has a ​mission of ​continuous ​improvement for ​the customers ​they serve and ​the environment ​they live in. ​

With flows ​leading into ​the Tennessee ​river, managing ​all facets of ​water quality ​is crucial to ​maintaining the ​local ecosystem.​ Erratic storms ​and unexpected ​wet weather in ​the region led ​to excessive ​inflows causing ​the plant to ​endure repeated ​overflows and ​violations. ​
PDF-Dokument [804.1 KB]
Aquatic Risks from Human Pharmaceuticals at the Global Scale (Research)
Recent ​research showed ​that over the ​past 20 years, ​concentrations ​of pharmaceuticals ​have increased ​in the ​world's ​freshwater ​sources which ​can potentially ​cause damaging ​ecological ​effects. ​
Aquatic risks from human pharmaceuticals[...]
PDF-Dokument [2.5 MB]
Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Environment for Microalgal Source for Production of Nutraceuticals
With the growing implementation with the AI and virtual environment there is a better scope for the production of highest quality of nutraceuticals. Microalgae, capable of performing photosynthesis, are important for life on earth which provides a well-balanced mixture of nutrients to the organisms higher in the food web. Microalgae are considered as a potential source of protein, carbohydrate, fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids, carotenoids, phycobilliproteins, astaxanthin, lutein and antioxidants which provide health benefits such as controlling blood pressure, strengthening immune system, reduction of coronary heart diseases, serves as anticancer agent, and antioxidant etc. Nutritional value of microalgae varies from species to species depending u
PDF-Dokument [480.8 KB]
1 SCIENTIFIC RepoRtS | (2019) 9:393 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-36749-7 Detection of a microbial source tracking marker by isothermal helicase-dependent a
Over the last decades, various PCR-based methods have been proposed that can identify sources of
faecal pollution in environmental waters. These microbial source tracking (MST) methods are powerful
tools to manage water quality and support public health risk assessment. However, their application
is limited by the lack of specialized equipment and trained personnel in laboratories performing
microbiological water quality assessment. Here, we describe a novel molecular method that combines
helicase-dependent amplification (HDA) with a strip test for detecting ruminant faecal pollution
sources. Unlike quantitative PCR (qPCR), the developed HDA-strip assay only requires a heating
block to amplify the ruminant-associated
16S rRNA marker (BacR). Following HDA, the
PDF-Dokument [1.4 MB]
Water Demand Framework and Water Development: The Case of China
Water resources management is increasingly important for sustainable economic and social development. A coherent division of the development stages is of primary importance for selecting and implementing related water resource management strategies. Using evolving supply–demand relationships, this paper proposes a framework that considers water development stages to present a series of dynamic relationships between water demand changes and overall economic development. The framework is applied to China to advance the understanding of how demand evolves at different stages of water resources development under specific socioeconomic circumstances, and of strategic choices in general. The case of China explains how water resources management has gradually improved during distinct socioecono
PDF-Dokument [2.2 MB]
Briefing Paper on managing water supplies during summer 2018 and preparing for 2019
A record of the water industry’s actions successfully managing water resources in the long, hot summer of 2018 has been published.

Summer 2018 was the hottest summer in England since records began back in 1910. Rainfall across the whole of the country over the 3 months of May to July was only 54% of the long-term average, with even less falling in August – only 43% of the normal amount of rain for the month.

The dry summer had several impacts, not least the substantial pressures put on water supplies.
Briefing Paper on managing water supplie[...]
PDF-Dokument [2.4 MB]
International Comparisons of Water Sector Performance
The purpose of this report is to compare the performance of the water sector in England and Wales since 1990 with that of key comparator countries, specifically France, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Germany.
GWI International water sector performan[...]
PDF-Dokument [1.2 MB]
Automated Residual Control Maintains Tank Chloramine Residual Levels and Eliminates Nitrite Issues in 3 Million Gallon Tank
PSI RCS PP 010 Loudoun Water 10-30-2018.[...]
PDF-Dokument [541.5 KB]
Global Waters Radio - Rolf Luyendijk and Portia Persley Transcript.pdf
Global Waters Radio - Rolf Luyendijk and[...]
PDF-Dokument [60.0 KB]
Cleaner Production Guide for the Textile Sector: WWF 2018
The Apparel & ​Textiles sector ​poses and faces ​significant ​water risks. ​WWF, together ​with its ​partner H&M, ​have been ​helping to ​pioneer new ​approaches to ​cleaner ​production and ​water ​stewardship, ​highlighted in ​this publication.​
PDF-Dokument [3.6 MB]
Wilder Research
Wilder Research, a division of Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, is a nationally respected nonprofit research and
evaluation group. For more than 100 years, Wilder Research has gathered and interpreted facts and trends to help families and communities thrive, get at the core of community concerns, and uncover issues that are overlooked or poorly understood.
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
Scaling of Calcium Carbonate on a Heated Surface in a Flow Through System with Mono Ethylene Glycol
Efficiency of industrial heat exchangers can be reduced due to precipitation of a solid mineral layer called scale. Reversibly soluble salts such as calcium carbonate are less soluble at elevated temperatures and therefore precipitate more easily in these units. The effect is also seen in oil wells, pipelines and desalination plants among others.
PDF-Dokument [8.8 MB]
The demise of Angkor: Systemic vulnerability of urban infrastructure to climatic variations
Complex infrastructural networks provide critical services to cities but can be vulnerable to external stresses,
including climatic variability. This vulnerability has also challenged past urban settlements, but its role in cases
of historic urban demise has not been precisely document
ed. We transform archeological data from the medieval
Cambodian city of Angkor into a numerical model that allows us to quantify topological damage to critical urban
infrastructure resulting from climatic variability. Our model reveals unstable behavior in which extensive and cas-
cading damage to infrastructure occurs in response to flooding within Angkor

s urban water management system.
The likelihood and extent of the cascading failure abrupt
ly grow with the magnitude of flooding relative to normal
PDF-Dokument [2.1 MB]
Water Quality for High Performance Computing
PDF-Dokument [2.0 MB]
Sustainable Development Goal 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Too many people still lack access to safely managed water supplies and sanitation facilities. Water scarcity, flooding and lack of proper wastewater management also hinder social and economic development. Increasing water efficiency and improving water management are critical to balancing the competing and growing water demands from various sectors and users.

In 2015, 29 per cent of the global population lacked safely managed drinking water supplies, and 61 per cent were without safely managed sanitation services. In 2015, 892 million people continued to practise open defecation.
In 2015, only 27 per cent of the population in LDCs had basic handwashing facilities.
Preliminary estimates from household data of 79 mostly high- and high-middle-income countries (excluding much of A
PDF-Dokument [11.4 MB]
Shared Water, Shared Responsibility, Shared Approach - Water in the Mining Sector (ICMM and IFC)
This paper ​uses company ​experiences ​from Mongolia, ​Peru, South ​Africa, Canada, ​and the Upper ​Hunter Valley ​and Fitzroy ​regions of ​Australia to ​identify key ​lessons learned.​

Access to ​clean water is ​at the very ​core of ​sustainable ​development. As ​a water-​dependent ​sector, mining ​and metals ​companies are ​well placed to ​support ​collective ​solutions to ​shared water ​challenges; ​contributing to ​improved water ​security and ​sanitation for ​all.
Shared Water, Shared Responsibility, Sha[...]
PDF-Dokument [6.7 MB]
Measuring Knowledge Diffusion in Water Resources Research and Development - The Case of Korea
Technological ​knowledge ​created through ​government R&D ​investment not ​only contributes ​to technology ​and market ​expansion, but ​is also a major ​factor in ​evaluating a ​nation’s ​innovation ​capacity. As ​government ​budgets are ​limited, ​establishing an ​effective ​investment ​strategy is ​important. The ​purpose of this ​paper is to ​suggest R&D ​investment ​priorities in ​terms of the ​centrality of ​knowledge ​diffusion—​which ​technology ​field is ​targeted in ​knowledge ​diffusion—​and rapidity of ​knowledge ​diffusion—​how quickly ​technological ​knowledge ​diffuses. ​

The analysis ​focused on a ​water resources ​R&D program led ​by the Korean ​government. The ​ce
Measuring Knowledge Diffusion in Water R[...]
PDF-Dokument [942.8 KB]
What is Electrodialysis Reversal and its New Innovations?
PDF-Dokument [418.7 KB]
Urban water security: A review
We review the increasing body of research on urban water security. First, we reflect on the four different focusses in water security literature: welfare, equity, sustainability
and water-related risks.Second,wemake aninventory of the multiple perspectives on urban water security: disciplinary perspectives (e.g. engineering, environmental, public policy, public health), problem-oriented perspectives (e.g. water shortage, flooding, water pollution), goal-oriented perspectives (e.g. better water supply and sanitation, better sewerage and wastewater treatment, safety from flooding, proper
urban drainage), integrated-water versus water-integrated perspectives, and policy analytical versus governance perspectives. Third, we take a systems perspective on urban water security, taking the pressure
PDF-Dokument [1.3 MB] – Einer der führenden Onlineshops Europas für Elektronik und Elektrotechnik
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